Illness and procrastination

The last few months have been filled with illness and then deep seated procrastination. That is about to change. With my last bout of food poisoning I am determined to get up and running once more.
I’m rounding up all the extant poems I have and am streamlining the research I’m doing before writing the rest.
My main tools are now definitely Scapple, Scrivener and Obsidian – I use an analog notebook but can OCR the handwriting from a handy device called a Rocketbook Notebook.
I have about 30 books on philology to work through and to take notes on – I’ve been reading them on and off for 5 – 10 years now. So here are some of the tasks I have to take in hand to make any progress:
- Round up all poems on disparate devices
- Renew the British Library Reader’s Pass
- Co-ordinate use of digital resources Scapple, Scrivener, Obsidian + remote working on this blog.
- Set an realistic deadline for finishing research
- Continue learning the Affinity Publisher skills to typeset the whole damn thing
- Start on the lino cuts
- Get plenty of sleep and build in exercise routines
I guess that’ll be enough for the present time. With that last illness I did wonder if I would make it to 70. We’ll see.